Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thanksgiving Day!

Prior to starting off our actual holiday of sorts -- Lee began construction on our roof. He was able to tear off a quarter of the roof in the back of the house (where the leak is) on Wednesday, and was able to refelt and shingle that same portion today. After he cleaned and relaxed for a while we headed to Wayne's house for some leftovers and dessert. Most importantly to see family that came in from all over the place. (I will post pictures of the roof another time)

Mckinlee started the holiday morning off hanging out with Libby. His most recently best friend. Don't ask because I'm not so sure but he's been all about the dogs these days.

Black Friday

My day started off taking the boys to daycare, YEAH! I'm actually getting a me day, well a me and Lee day. We went shopping for a little while, had lunch at Tripps (yes, I got toasted off one drink). Then we met up with gang at the bowling alley for some fun. Well, not so much fun for me but we all had a good time. I bowled a 45, I believe Julia bowled better then me. We called it quits around 4:30 - - headed home to get the boys and pack them up to go to grandma's for "Italian" night!

Nancy made homemade Baked Ziti, mom made homemade meatballs, add the bread and salad and there ya have it -- "Italian" night at the Wellinsky's (my maiden name).

I got Maddock all dressed up to go -- hence the Rocky Balboa look, well according to Lee. I love that hat, he's so cute.

Everyone got to enjoy the little guy, but his Aunt Sandi was the one that stole the sugar...

My favorite pic of the night however is the now and then... we have Maddock now (age 5 months) and then we have Maddock then (age 72)...

Friday, November 16, 2007

Awards Day!

I am so proud! McKinlee received his first awards today, one for perfect attendance and a ribbon for knowing his colors. YEAH McKinlee!!
I have to vent just a little though. I thought the awards ceremony was nice and very thoughtful BUT just because you are an at home mom and have all the time in the world to stay at the school and donate your time DOES not give your child the right to get every award friggin' possible. Come on now, one award is sufficient, two is hitting the edge BUT three okay that just ticks me off. Yes, my child did get one, BUT there were many children that got NONE! So my feelings are -- its a great thought and a huge motivational experience, but one award per child would be GREAT! Yeah we know your kid is the BEST in everything, but he's not the only kid in the school. Okay I feel better now, sorry! Go McKinlee, keep up the good work! I love you buddie - Love Mom!

Friday, November 2, 2007

He Sleeps...

I can't help myself he is so precious...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!!

Well, needless to say Halloween is now over, thankfully! Unfortunately we have wayyyyy to much candy! Thank you grandma, Aunt Angie, Uncle Dennis.. and all the wonderful people who love to give kids candy! I believe I need to take a class in Sugar Rush 101 ?!?! When I find the class I will be sure to let all parents know about it too.

Maddock actually had two costumes, one for day care and then the warmer one to go out trick-o-treating with big brother. McKinlee had fun -- of course. However, he did prefer to eat his Happy Meal over getting candy. that only last a short period of time though, basically through the fries. Maddock had a blast staring at all the kids, but let me tell ya, 8 o'clock hit and he was definitely not gonna let us not know that it was feeding time.