Tooth No. 2 Arrives
Sunday, was a beautiful day here in North Carolina 70 degrees, blue skies and the sun shined brightly upon us.
Maddock was a bit fussy Saturday night and a little under the weather on Sunday. After changing him, playing with him, feeding him and everything else we could think of I discovered the root of our pr
oblem... Tooth No. 2 This whole cutting teeth thing, fever, drool, crankiness, etc is really new to me. YES this is child number 2 BUT
McKinlee never went through anything like this, honestly he cut 4 teeth at once and I never even knew he had them. I know I'm a BAD mom.
Anyhoot, after the root of the problem was discovered,
ambesol was applied,
Tylenol given and hence we now have happy baby!
Did Someone Say Play Time?

Okay so
McKinlee is starting to finally come around, he loves to entertain his baby brother, but there is one small problem,
Maddock doesn't like the man handling so much

. Play with me, talk to me, tease me even but don't man handle me PLEASE!!! During play time though we discovered that
Maddock, besides having 2 new teeth, has also discovered sitting up, feeding himself his cereal snacks and the best one of all holding his own bottle... YEAH!
Sitting Up, well, I'm getting there...

A Beautiful Day to Swing...
Sunday we spent outside in the afternoon it was way to nice to sit inside for another weekend. While McKinlee was off at church school Lee was loading up the firewood so he hung the baby swing up for Maddock. I got him in his seat and at first he was scared but by the end I believe he was enjoying himself.