Sunday, we spent the day coloring Easter Eggs. Lee picked up two different kinds of coloring kits, one of which was "tye-dye" coloring, although it was time consuming the eggs came out GREAT!
McKinlee really enjoyed himself this year. However, he is not understanding that the Easter Bunny doesn't "hide" the real eggs. I have been taking the eggs he has colored for breakfast and I got caught by McKinlee. He was not happy, so I explained to him that the Easter Bunny brings plastic eggs, just in case you don't find them all the eggs won't go bad. He believed it and now all is good in the Moy household.
Bath Time
Maddock has grown out of the baby bath tub and into the kitchen sink, however, as you can tell from the following photos he's grown out of the kitchen sink too.

I will say though my kitchen counter and floor haven't been so clean...
St. Patrick's Day, a day for the Irish...
I know I have stated this fact before, but for the record I will state it again. My husband, love 'em to death, is about 1/4 Irish, but he tends to believe that he is 100% Irish and with his real last name being "Moynahan" he sounds a lot more Irish then with our current last name "Moy." So YES we do celebrate the lucky day in our household. The kicker of all this is McKinlee now that he is in school and learning more and more everyday can tell you the meaning behind the holiday and all its little corks and such. I of course dressed the boys up for the special day...