I have a ton to talk about just not enough time in the day for me to fill you in on everything... I'm gonna post some pictures from the past few months and I am gonna try like heck to keep up. I'm not holding that promise and I wouldn't bet on it but I'm gonna try :(
Happy Birthday!
Happy 2nd Birthday Maddock Logan Moy! I will take lots of pictures later to show everyone how Maddock celebrated his 2nd birthday. I wish everyone was here to celebrate with us.
I've been thinking...
I look at my 6 year old getting ready to turn 7 and I think to myself, where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday that I gave birth to the little man. I still can't believe that he is almost as tall as me and is going to enter the 2nd grade... WOW!
I look at my 23 months old getting ready to turn 2 and I think to myself, what happened to my baby? Time goes by so quickly. I am taking him for his first haircut this weekend... eek! This should be interesting.
I look at my 18 year old nephew getting ready to turn 19. HOLY CRAP, he's graduating high school and has been accepted to multiple colleges. I am proud to say he will be a student at Penn State University. Go NITTANY LIONS!
I look at my 13 year old nephew getting ready to turn 14. Here it is, he's graduating from 8th grade and after the summer will begin his first year of high school. The most important school years of anyones life.
I look at my 13 year old neice getting ready to receive her confirmation and graduate from 8th grade. Time goes by and before you realize it they are off getting married and starting their families.
Where does the time go?
I had an interesting conversation yesterday with my brother. So here is a thought... If you had the opportunity to either 1) work normal hours and make enough money to make ends meet but be able to have plenty of quality time with your family or 2) work like dog and make enough money to give your family everything they could want big house, name brand clothes, vacations, cars, etc. but have very limited quality time with your family... which would you choose?
I know my decision would be number 2! Why you ask, well I already live number 1 and its NOT fun. I hate not being able to give my kids everything they want. I hate NOT being able to go on vacations. I hate struggling. Life in a struggle is never fun.
So tell me what would you choose?
I look at my 6 year old getting ready to turn 7 and I think to myself, where has the time gone? It feels like yesterday that I gave birth to the little man. I still can't believe that he is almost as tall as me and is going to enter the 2nd grade... WOW!
I look at my 23 months old getting ready to turn 2 and I think to myself, what happened to my baby? Time goes by so quickly. I am taking him for his first haircut this weekend... eek! This should be interesting.
I look at my 18 year old nephew getting ready to turn 19. HOLY CRAP, he's graduating high school and has been accepted to multiple colleges. I am proud to say he will be a student at Penn State University. Go NITTANY LIONS!
I look at my 13 year old nephew getting ready to turn 14. Here it is, he's graduating from 8th grade and after the summer will begin his first year of high school. The most important school years of anyones life.
I look at my 13 year old neice getting ready to receive her confirmation and graduate from 8th grade. Time goes by and before you realize it they are off getting married and starting their families.
Where does the time go?
I had an interesting conversation yesterday with my brother. So here is a thought... If you had the opportunity to either 1) work normal hours and make enough money to make ends meet but be able to have plenty of quality time with your family or 2) work like dog and make enough money to give your family everything they could want big house, name brand clothes, vacations, cars, etc. but have very limited quality time with your family... which would you choose?
I know my decision would be number 2! Why you ask, well I already live number 1 and its NOT fun. I hate not being able to give my kids everything they want. I hate NOT being able to go on vacations. I hate struggling. Life in a struggle is never fun.
So tell me what would you choose?
So I Have Been Told... I'm A Slacker!
I have recently been told I'm slacking on the updates. So here I am today to update you on my crazy life...
Let's see, my house, well my house is a house that I could potentially love one day when it is completely finished being remodeled, but for the time being I am completely miserable living in my house. I dream of a new one all the time -- how sad is that, at least I have a roof over my head, even if it leaks...
My job, that is going well, staying extremely busy, although no overtime is allowed, I miss that! But at least I have a job and a paycheck coming in...
My other half, he stays busy staying on the road 4-5 days of the week, he complains, he is over worked and under paid, but at least he has a job and a paycheck coming in...
My oldest, McKinlee, he loves school, he is reading like crazy now. That in itself is a wonderful thing. He joined soccer and wants to join T-ball in June. He's getting so big so fast and every day he reminds me more and more of his father, with his laziness and selective hearing, but at least he is healthy and happy...
My youngest, Maddock, he has become a real motor mouth. He will repeat anything and everything so WATCH what you say around him. For life of me I can not figure out what is going on with him lately, what I mean is when I go to drop him off at daycare he freaks and for the past week he will NOT stay a sleep in his crib. I'm gonna have to do some tough love with the sleep issue, as for the daycare issue, I eventually get out of there and they say he is fine seconds after I'm gone, but at least he is healthy and happy...
What's with all the "at least" you may be asking well, I've been reading YES can you imagine me READ, I know its gonna snow in Hawaii. Seriously, I've been flowing this blog www.mycharmingkids.com and this family is going through absolute torture right now. Their youngest child just turned 5 months old and has been hospitalized for the past two weeks with a fatal heart condition called SVT. As I read the blog and listen to the mother's words regarding her baby boy Stellan, I think to myself, I can't believe I yelled at McKinlee this morning for that or I worry to much about the small stuff. Here is this women who has 4 children but is sitting in a hospital watching her baby fight for his life, and she is helpless to him, who am I to complain about the weather, money, my house, my kids not listening - all I can say is, "AT LEAST"
At Least:
Let's see, my house, well my house is a house that I could potentially love one day when it is completely finished being remodeled, but for the time being I am completely miserable living in my house. I dream of a new one all the time -- how sad is that, at least I have a roof over my head, even if it leaks...
My job, that is going well, staying extremely busy, although no overtime is allowed, I miss that! But at least I have a job and a paycheck coming in...
My other half, he stays busy staying on the road 4-5 days of the week, he complains, he is over worked and under paid, but at least he has a job and a paycheck coming in...
My oldest, McKinlee, he loves school, he is reading like crazy now. That in itself is a wonderful thing. He joined soccer and wants to join T-ball in June. He's getting so big so fast and every day he reminds me more and more of his father, with his laziness and selective hearing, but at least he is healthy and happy...
My youngest, Maddock, he has become a real motor mouth. He will repeat anything and everything so WATCH what you say around him. For life of me I can not figure out what is going on with him lately, what I mean is when I go to drop him off at daycare he freaks and for the past week he will NOT stay a sleep in his crib. I'm gonna have to do some tough love with the sleep issue, as for the daycare issue, I eventually get out of there and they say he is fine seconds after I'm gone, but at least he is healthy and happy...
What's with all the "at least" you may be asking well, I've been reading YES can you imagine me READ, I know its gonna snow in Hawaii. Seriously, I've been flowing this blog www.mycharmingkids.com and this family is going through absolute torture right now. Their youngest child just turned 5 months old and has been hospitalized for the past two weeks with a fatal heart condition called SVT. As I read the blog and listen to the mother's words regarding her baby boy Stellan, I think to myself, I can't believe I yelled at McKinlee this morning for that or I worry to much about the small stuff. Here is this women who has 4 children but is sitting in a hospital watching her baby fight for his life, and she is helpless to him, who am I to complain about the weather, money, my house, my kids not listening - all I can say is, "AT LEAST"
At Least:
I have my health
I have two healthy happy boys
I have a roof over our heads
I have a job
I have a car that gets me to my job
I have a boss that is understanding of unexpected family problems
I have a happy healthy family
I have happy healthy friends
most of all I have the will to pray when I need to and I pray for those that need
Do you have an "at least?" Share with me...
Me BAD...
I am here to say "I'm sorry!" I have been very consumed with life lately, and I just have not had the time nor the opportunity to blog as much as I would like to. So here I am, what do I need to tell you.
Let's start with McKinlee. McKinlee started soccer yesterday at the Y. He loved it. His first game is Saturday March 28th. He is part of the "Moo Cows" very cute. His first game is against the Giraffs, go figure "fat and friendly vs. tall and weird," haha! Any how I believe this will be really good for him, he will learn to be part of a team and also that he is not always first.
On to Maddock. Maddock is talking so much now, the stuff that comes out of this kids mouth amuzes me so much these days. However, he has become very clingy, he doesn't want to go to anyone. Screams when I leave him at daycare won't go to child watch at the Y but at least I know he loves me :) Daycare, that's another story, everyday this week I've had to sign an incident report for him being BIT!
Let's start with McKinlee. McKinlee started soccer yesterday at the Y. He loved it. His first game is Saturday March 28th. He is part of the "Moo Cows" very cute. His first game is against the Giraffs, go figure "fat and friendly vs. tall and weird," haha! Any how I believe this will be really good for him, he will learn to be part of a team and also that he is not always first.
On to Maddock. Maddock is talking so much now, the stuff that comes out of this kids mouth amuzes me so much these days. However, he has become very clingy, he doesn't want to go to anyone. Screams when I leave him at daycare won't go to child watch at the Y but at least I know he loves me :) Daycare, that's another story, everyday this week I've had to sign an incident report for him being BIT!
The BIG 35 has arrived...
Okay so on Thursday, February 12, 2009, I turned the BIG 35! And you know something, the 35 wasn't the problem, the number did NOT make me feel old, but what did make me feel old was the fact that my oldest nephew Taylor is 18 and graduating from High School this year. That makes me feel OLD!
But anyhoot, my birthday started off GREAT, my brother Wayne, Carolyn, Casey and Nicole gave me a gift card to Starbucks (my favorite coffee store), and lottery tickets. When I scratched them off I won a total of $103.00 YEAH for me! One of the best presents one could hope for. Thank you again!
My co-workers decorated a little, gave me a really nice card and they got me a huge Carvel cake, so exciting. My friends at work really made me feel special. Carla, Kelly and Tracy took me out to lunch as well. THANK YOU LADIES!!!!
Next -- Mom and Dad came by, also bought me a little Carvel cake Yummie!!! and my gift, something I have wanted for a really really long time...
Yes, my cast iron pot with cermic inlay. So excited, I seasoned the edges this past weekend, gonna cook in it this coming weekend. I can't WAIT! Now all I need is the big frying pan to go with... hint hint!
Awards Day!
Friday, February 13th was Awards Day at Shadybrook Elementary, and YES once again McKinlee received an award. His award for this quarter was for Outstanding Student in Music.

YES, they spelt his name wrong. I'm not exactly sure which school the creative one graduated from but apparently reading was not their best subject.
YES, they spelt his name wrong. I'm not exactly sure which school the creative one graduated from but apparently reading was not their best subject.
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