Monday, December 17, 2007


Okay so here ya have it, when Lee turned our car port into our family room he decided to move our dryer vent from the brick in front of the house (UGLY) to the soffit, which by the way hides it and looks much nicer :) However, now that the weather has gotten colder you can see the heat in the air from the dryer... hence the folks that continuously had to stop by Saturday morning, and when I say morning I'm talking like 7:00 a.m., to inform us that our house may be on FIRE! After about the fourth person knocking and Lee running out the front door to tell the people in our driveway that it is our dryer vent and I was drying clothes, Lee decided okay I'm taping a note to the front which reads "If you are here to tells about the smoke coming out of our roof to the right of the fireplace... it is our dryer vent, Thank you" As Lee is taping this note to the front door he hears the sirens, joking and laughing about it he comes in the house and says the fire department is on its way. I laughed at him and I said are you serious. He says nah just kidden... next thing ya know 3 fire trucks and the fire chief in my front yard. Go Figure! Well, so the saga continues.... Word of knowledge for today, when driving down Shady Brook Road in High Point, North Carolina you happen to see a house that looks like there may be what looks like smoke coming out of the roof... its NOT I just trying to do my laundry! But thanks for the input :)

1 comment:

Casey said...

that is pretty funny lol:)