This FACE just screams MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Giving Back...
Okay so most of you know I have a weak spot in my heart for dogs, and I have not been able to give to the ASPCA as much or as often as I would like to, so instead we decided to foster a puppy for a week to give her a loving and warm home to socialize with people, kids and other dogs. When Bobbie Socks first arrived at our house she was timid, then she developed
some sort of eye gook and quit eating. After three days of NO eating Lee got her to eat some chicken broth. Well the next day she was a totally different puppy. She was eating, playing, barking... basically being a puppy. We took her back for adoption a week later, we told the people that if she did NOT get adopted we would like to foster her for another week. Guess what? They didn't call so Bobbie Socks hopefully has a permanent home. But I did take a few photos of the cute little fluff ball...
Gingerbread House
Okay call me stupid BUT back at Halloween time McKinlee and I made a Haunted Ginger Bread house. First time for the both us. Being that it was my first house I had no clue that you really eat those things so I tossed it after the holiday. However, Lee informed me that you are able to eat them, so needless to say the boys and I made one for Christmas too! I say the boys and I lightly, McKinlee and I made it... Maddock enjoyed the candy!
There's a Hole in My Mouth... Dear Liza
Well it has finally happened. On Saturday, December 13th McKinlee's first baby tooth fell out. It took a little nudge from him but he did it. It was just hanging there
so I said "McKinlee just let daddy pull it." Of course McKinlee's response "Nooooo!" with a whimper. So I said to him "Dude, its just hanging on just take your finger and push down," so he did. And out it popped. A little blood but McKinlee was so proud. We put the tooth in a plastic bag and put it on his night stand a.k.a. computer desk. Sunday morning McKinlee
woke up and the tooth fairy came, he got $2.00 for that little tooth. I think I might pull all my teeth, since they 10 times the size of his little one I could be rich!
Here's a picture of the proud guy, if you look closely you can see the new tooth peeking through already.
Precious Just Precious!
I have to share these photos with everyone. There are two precious children that are in mylife that I unfortunately never get to see. I have only been able to see them in person once, and I can't say when I will get to see them again. But I love them very very much, I wish I could watch them grow in person, but I guess pictures will have to do :(
These pictures are precious just precious!
These pictures are precious just precious!
Thanksgiving with Family
I didn't get a lot of pictures but I was able to get a few, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
We Have a Wiggler!
McKinlee has his first loose tooth. It is the littlest thing, but it wiggles like crazy. Good news is today (Wednesday, November 26th) he has a dentist appointment scheduled for a cleaning. I'm sure his doctor will take a look at it and if she don't he will be sure to show her. I took a picture to show the tooth, I will take another after the bad boy pops out!

The Berlin Wall?
I need to backup, when we first purchased our home we had a chain link fence that gave us absolutely NO privacy. After four years of listening to my neighbors kid yell into my house, pee on my son and throw bricks over the fence we decided... we need a privacy fence!
I posted some startup pictures of the fence and I am here today to post the finished product, the laborer and the cleanup crew. Can you say serious privacy?
The Sky is Falling.. Nope Just Leaves!
Everyday I wake up and I look out into my yard and thus I see more leaves. I have yet to understand how it is that my house seems to have most leaves in its yard but yet we have no trees... hmmm one has to wonder.
Anyhoot, the boys and I decided to enjoy the crisp air and sunshine in the yard, CLEANING UP my neighbors leaves, that have gracefully found themselves a home in my yard, my drive way, my house, my van, my ... well you get the hint.
Halloween Past?
I know I'm late, but like they always say... better late then never
McKinlee on the other hand was extremely into his costume... and of course all the candy!
This year was Maddock's actual "Trick or Treating" experience and he liked it, well he liked the lollipops, didn't care for the rest of it, especially the outfit.
McKinlee on the other hand was extremely into his costume... and of course all the candy!
Play Time or Nap Time?
After all the baking and cooking Sunday morning, oh yeah I almost forgot, while baking the hot apple pie, homemade chicken noodle soup was cooking on the stove too :)~ I love to cook/bake. I should have been a chef, I missed my calling!
Anyhow, after all that it was time to work outside, I had 200 bulbs to plant and dirt to haul into the front of the house. Lee hauled I planted. The boys played on the swing set. Well at least they did for a while, then nap time arrived. Well at least for one it did...
Apple Pie? Yummie!!
Sunday, morning I decided I was going to be Betty Crocker! I broke out the apple peeler, Lee got it all setup and mounted down to the counter, Maddock got his little tail up next to me on the counter and McKinlee greased up his elbow. And the peeling began -- and some eating --

After the peeling was finished and the mixture was ready I prepared the pie for cooking
Nothing says lovin' like hot apple pie next to a warm cozy fire,
Yes, that is Bambi above my fireplace, thank you Lee!
Leaves, Pumpkins and Apples
Last weekend we took a ride up through the mountains for a few reasons, 1) to find a pumpkin patch, 2) to find an apple orchard and 3) look at the leaves changing color. We picked an absolutely beautiful day... We drove up through the Blue Ridge Parkway, it was breath taking -- YES the edge! Just kidden but that was too. The mountains, trees and all the beautiful colors was just delightful against the blue sky...

So, check, we completed so far one of three tasks at hand... now off we roll. As we continued to look for a pumpkin patch, which we never found. We stopped and shopped the Tanger Outlets in Blowing Rock and I at least was able to get this picture...

So, check, we completed so far one of three tasks at hand... now off we roll. As we continued to look for a pumpkin patch, which we never found. We stopped and shopped the Tanger Outlets in Blowing Rock and I at least was able to get this picture...

I apologize for the crappy photos, they were taken with the cell phone.
Alas, we did find an apple orchard, however the bees were so crazy McKinlee was freaking out so we did NOT pick our own but we did purchase fresh picked apples for baking and eating :)
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