There's a Hole in My Mouth... Dear Liza

Well it has finally happened. On Saturday, December 13th McKinlee's first baby tooth fell out. It took a little nudge from him but he did it. It was just hanging there so I said "McKinlee just let daddy pull it." Of course McKinlee's response "Nooooo!" with a whimper. So I said to him "Dude, its just hanging on just take your finger and push down," so he did. And out it popped. A little blood but McKinlee was so proud. We put the tooth in a plastic bag and put it on his night stand a.k.a. computer desk. Sunday morning McKinlee woke up and the tooth fairy came, he got $2.00 for that little tooth. I think I might pull all my teeth, since they 10 times the size of his little one I could be rich!

Here's a picture of the proud guy, if you look closely you can see the new tooth peeking through already.

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