This FACE just screams MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Giving Back...
Okay so most of you know I have a weak spot in my heart for dogs, and I have not been able to give to the ASPCA as much or as often as I would like to, so instead we decided to foster a puppy for a week to give her a loving and warm home to socialize with people, kids and other dogs. When Bobbie Socks first arrived at our house she was timid, then she developed
some sort of eye gook and quit eating. After three days of NO eating Lee got her to eat some chicken broth. Well the next day she was a totally different puppy. She was eating, playing, barking... basically being a puppy. We took her back for adoption a week later, we told the people that if she did NOT get adopted we would like to foster her for another week. Guess what? They didn't call so Bobbie Socks hopefully has a permanent home. But I did take a few photos of the cute little fluff ball...
Gingerbread House
Okay call me stupid BUT back at Halloween time McKinlee and I made a Haunted Ginger Bread house. First time for the both us. Being that it was my first house I had no clue that you really eat those things so I tossed it after the holiday. However, Lee informed me that you are able to eat them, so needless to say the boys and I made one for Christmas too! I say the boys and I lightly, McKinlee and I made it... Maddock enjoyed the candy!
There's a Hole in My Mouth... Dear Liza
Well it has finally happened. On Saturday, December 13th McKinlee's first baby tooth fell out. It took a little nudge from him but he did it. It was just hanging there
so I said "McKinlee just let daddy pull it." Of course McKinlee's response "Nooooo!" with a whimper. So I said to him "Dude, its just hanging on just take your finger and push down," so he did. And out it popped. A little blood but McKinlee was so proud. We put the tooth in a plastic bag and put it on his night stand a.k.a. computer desk. Sunday morning McKinlee
woke up and the tooth fairy came, he got $2.00 for that little tooth. I think I might pull all my teeth, since they 10 times the size of his little one I could be rich!
Here's a picture of the proud guy, if you look closely you can see the new tooth peeking through already.
Precious Just Precious!
I have to share these photos with everyone. There are two precious children that are in mylife that I unfortunately never get to see. I have only been able to see them in person once, and I can't say when I will get to see them again. But I love them very very much, I wish I could watch them grow in person, but I guess pictures will have to do :(
These pictures are precious just precious!
These pictures are precious just precious!
Thanksgiving with Family
I didn't get a lot of pictures but I was able to get a few, I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
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