He Said He Wanted to Ride...

Today I'm writing a short story... My best friend back home as twins :) Alyssa and Justin turning 2 on July 1, this past weekend they decided to go to the shore "Point Pleasant" for the day with the kids. Well down at Point Pleasant beach there is an area called "Jacobsons' Boardwalk" where they have a ride area.

Angie and Dennis decided to take a walk through with the kids only to stumble upon the Fire Truck ride. Which Justin wanted to go on... so mom and dad proceeded to put him on, Alyssa declined the ride. This is the outcome of the ride on the Fire Trucks...

In any other situation I would most likely have said to mom and dad, gee do you get enjoyment out of torturing your child, but in this case.... He Said He Wanted to Go on the Ride...

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