Presidential Election?So let's just talk for a minute about my thoughts on the coming up presidential election...
Everywhere I look these days I see stickers, signs, notes, banners, etc
. Obama '08, Clinton
'08, McCain '08 and ONLY one bothers me more then any other. Seeing an OBAMA '08 sticker on a vehicle, blog, or anything at all for that matter that is owned by a white person, this infuriates me to no end. Why you ask, well let's think about this. A black person as president at this point in the economy... HELLLOOOOO are you all out of your friggin' mind?!?!?!!?! What is wrong with you people, are you that stupid and have your eyes glazed over that much that you think this black man is gonna step in and help us -- the white folks?? YOUR LOSING YOUR MARBLES PEOPLE. WAKE UP!!! Have you not been watching, reading or listening to what the rest of this country has been... Obama is a liar! a fake! a biased ass! You idiots might as well go to the store and buy your shoe polish now, because the only way he is helping you, is if your skin color matches his.
I have one question to ask, and if anyone out there can answer this for me, I would be
grateful -- but I do NOT want the answer -- "Because I have the right to vote and support for whomever I want" that is NOT an answer. Why if you are white would you vote for a black man over a white women that has already done the job and did pretty good job the last time.
AND for the record I'm voting for McCain ( but please people, if you are white and you are a Democrat don't be stupid people vote with your heads!!! CLINTON '08!
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