Friday, December 28, 2007

Sick Baby :(

Christmas night was a little bit of a rough night with Maddock still not feeling 100% I had him stay home with Lee from daycare on Wednesday. By the time I got home he seemed to be feeling better and no fever so I decided to send him daycare on Thursday, to be safe I gave him some Motrin just before dropping him off. Well about 4:00 daycare called to say Maddock had a small temp 100.5 at 3:15. I called Lee and had him go get him. By evening last night Maddock sounded awful, really bad congestion in his chest I felt so bad for him, he couldn't breath, so sleep was out too. Lee stayed up with him most of the night because I had to work today.

So this morning at 9:01 I call the doctor's office -- appointment made for 11:00 Lee calls me at 11:21, NOW remember just took the munchkin on Monday -- common cold remember?!?! Verdict is -- double ear infection, bronchitis so bad just on verge of pneumonia and he now weighs 17lbs 1oz. Okay I'm sorry but what the heck -- 3 days ago common cold now this? I think honestly that the doctor is trying to cover his butt and I am not a happy mommy. My poor baby is suffering because these stupid doctor's don't want to give out antibiotics anymore. That's crap!

She gave him an antibiotic and said we have get him to take at least an ounce of formula for nutrition, he's lost too much weight in such a short period of time. ????? I'm confused the baby can't breath, his ears hurt and you want him to swallow a bottle -- ummm HELLO McFly? is there anyone out there? I'm seeing some difficulty in this task but yeah okay. And through all of this Maddock got his first tooth on Christmas Eve :)

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

The Christmas Holiday Has Arrived!

Christmas Eve started off with a sick baby and a visit to the doctor's office, only to have them tell me that he has a common cold and there isn't anything they can give him. However, they weighed him in at 18lbs 5oz, chunk. But he's my chunk of burnin' love! After a day of craziness, last minute shopping and everything else we got ourselves dressed up for the children's mass at our church. Okay so mass started at 4:30 we get there at 4:00 holy cow no place to sit. You would think that the church was giving away money -- oh wait we were giving them money. Anyhoot, mass was really nice, but loud (note to self -- next year no children's mass). After mass we headed over the bridge and through the woods to grandma's house we go :) We spent Christmas Evening with Grandma, Pop Pop, Uncle Wayne, Aunt Carolyn, Casey and Nicole. Mom made finger foods which was really nice not to have a heavy meal. Unfortunately, Maddock was still not feeling 100%, but we had a nice time anyhow. McKinlee of course got toys and was loving that how could he not. On our way home from Grandma's they announced on the radio that Santa was in Mississippi and heading our way next. Of course, McKinlee had to hurry up and get home so he could get to bed otherwise Santa would pass by Shady Brook Road. We got home got McKinlee in bed and he was pretty much out for the count after about 1/2 hour.

Christmas Morning!

McKinlee woke up around 8:00 to presents from Santa under the tree. His words were, "see Mommy I told you Santa thought I was a little bit good." Well all I could say to that was your right kiddo he sure did. A little advice to some newer parents or those to be new parents, when your child gets about 1/2 way through the pile and can't or should I say -- won't open anymore, you know then Santa shopped wayyyy toooo much!!! So McKinlee, got a Nintendo DS, games, board games, clothes, other toys and then he got the Wii or maybe actually Lee got the Wii In any event the family now has a Wii -- Guitar Hero is the BOMB! We spent the day basically playing Wii and Nintendo DS with McKinlee. Originally we had planned to go to Wayne and Carolyn's for dessert and drinks but Maddock was up all night and was still under the weather so decided to kill those plans and just stay home.

Monday, December 17, 2007


Okay so here ya have it, when Lee turned our car port into our family room he decided to move our dryer vent from the brick in front of the house (UGLY) to the soffit, which by the way hides it and looks much nicer :) However, now that the weather has gotten colder you can see the heat in the air from the dryer... hence the folks that continuously had to stop by Saturday morning, and when I say morning I'm talking like 7:00 a.m., to inform us that our house may be on FIRE! After about the fourth person knocking and Lee running out the front door to tell the people in our driveway that it is our dryer vent and I was drying clothes, Lee decided okay I'm taping a note to the front which reads "If you are here to tells about the smoke coming out of our roof to the right of the fireplace... it is our dryer vent, Thank you" As Lee is taping this note to the front door he hears the sirens, joking and laughing about it he comes in the house and says the fire department is on its way. I laughed at him and I said are you serious. He says nah just kidden... next thing ya know 3 fire trucks and the fire chief in my front yard. Go Figure! Well, so the saga continues.... Word of knowledge for today, when driving down Shady Brook Road in High Point, North Carolina you happen to see a house that looks like there may be what looks like smoke coming out of the roof... its NOT I just trying to do my laundry! But thanks for the input :)