Grave Digger

So while in the Outer Banks, Lee worked and the boys and I enjoyed vacation. However, while Lee was at work one day he passed Digger’s Dungeon. YES, that’s right folks, Grave Digger, Monster Truck extraordinaire has a place on the Outer Banks where there is a Digger’s Dungeon store with all his trophies, etc., a Digger’s Diner (we did not partake in the eatery), and an option to take a ride on a monster truck through a monster truck obstacle course. A few years ago we had taken McKinlee to the Monster Truck Jam at the Greensboro Coliseum, so of course I had to take McKinlee Digger’s Dungeon.

We first strolled through the store, took some pictures (see below) and then of course we ended the trip with a little ride…

No need to worry, McKinlee was strapped in and with trained professional... I HOPE!

Outer Banks 2008

We had a GREAT time in the Outer Banks. This was a our first real family vacation and we tried to compact everything we could into 4 days. I believe we did a pretty good job too. Here are some of our pictures...

McKinlee and McDonald’s

I have not met someone yet that doesn’t like McDs, unfortunately for my family, McKinlee loves it and well that is where we decided to spend his friend/family birthday party last night. He had the best time, he had his friends Emma and Beth …

he had his aunt, uncle, and cousins…

but I think having Grandma, Pop Pop and Maddock there iced the cake…

I do believe his most favorite part of the day was cake and gifts, of course...

McKinlee’s Birthday Fun

I decided to start his special day with me leaving work early (yeah for me) and taking him out to lunch and then to Celebration Station. We arrived at Celebration Station at around 1 o’clock and my intentions were to ride the go-karts, play a game of mini golf and then inside for some game playing. However, McKinlee caught eyes on the water bumper boats, so I got us tickets and we entered the boats. Now that McKinlee is exactly 48” tall (holy COW), he was able to drive himself. Little did the ride attendant tell me, there were water guns on these water boats. So needless to say my child decided to attack mom and then had another little boy join him in his efforts. I was soak-n-wet by the time we got off. Thank goodness it was hot out, I dried quickly.

While I dried off, McKinlee caught some action on the go-karts…

Happy 6th Birthday, McKinlee!

It is so hard for me to believe that my baby boy is 6 today. My word, it seems like yesterday that I woke up thinking okay today is the day the doctor is gonna set me up for induction since I was already a week over due. And yes they did set up my induction, but not for another 2 days, but right about 4:30 p.m., my water broke and I went into full blown labor. I thought I was gonna die! We had a 2 hour drive to the hospital, which Lee turned into a 45 minute drive through rush hour traffic in Jersey. Do you know what that is like? How my husband made it there I will never know but we arrived at the hospital at 5:15 and McKinlee was born at 7:56 p.m. Talk about a fast labor and delivery. So there ya have it!

Happy Birthday Baby!

We have a fun day planned I will blog more and post pictures tomorrow!
Battle Wounds

Okay so I show up at daycare and Maddock is on the changing table getting a dirty diaper change. Tracy calls me over to look at his poop… she wanted to be sure that the color was normal. HAHA I was mortified that they are examining my child’s poop but happy they care enough to even mention it. Anyhow, as Maddock is laying there I notice a red mark on the top of his head, so I ask “what happened here?” Tracy proceeds to tell me that when coming back in from play time, Maddock started up the stairs without supervision and took a fall backwards on to the concrete. So needless to say this is how my baby woke up this morning…

McKinlee’s Garden Update
So Lee and McKinlee planted, they believed they planted, 4 tomato, 1 zucchini, 1 cucumber, 2 watermelon, 2 pepper and 1 basil plants, I almost forgot -- an entire pack of green bean seeds. As the summer as progressed so has the garden. The green beans, not so fruitful, we have many of tomatoes however all are green except this lonely one just starting to turn red…

The basil plant is over whelming of course they always are, hint hint -- if you need basil call me… the pepper plants well one died but the one that survived has 4 peppers growing as seen below…

My cucumber and zucchini, well those plants turned out to actually be yellow squash and I have two nice ones that we have offered up to Carla, I don’t like yellow squash that is why I don’t normally grow it but this is what happens when men do the planting in my house hold any how…

but alas the watermelon plants… well you see one died and the other is growing like crazy… I took these pictures on Saturday… see the baby watermelon, there is at least 20 like this on the vines…

However, Sunday Lee brought to my attention this beauty…

Yes this baby is about 1 foot long and 5 inches thick, how I missed this I'm not sure, but I did -- we are gonna have watermelon growing out our ears. Thank goodness the kids love it!