Can You Say Hypocrite?

For those that don't exactly know the true meaning of the word "hypocrite" here is the definition directly from the Webster's Dictionary itself 1 : a person who puts on a false appearance of virtue or religion 2 : a person who acts in contradiction to his or her stated beliefs or feelings

I can assume right now you guys are all wondering to yourself why is she bringing this up and what does it have to do with anything... well I'm gonna tell ya. Where shall I start... the beginning sounds good. Here ya have this person, let's call them "Dingbat" and it has this blog where in this blog it writes all about others and in particular others that it works with. On one particular blog it describes in detail it's feelings towards another co-worker and this co-worker's work ethic. Basically stating that if you don't like your job or what you do, leave. Okay again I repeat my self .... CAN YOU SAY HYPOCRITE???? For someone to sit and blog day after day, hour after hour, about others only to have yourself act and portray those same characteristics, I'm thinking have you not read your own damn blog lately????

There is a very funny ending to this story however, well let's just say that "Dingbat" opened it's mouth and stuck it's foot, actually both feet right in. As I sat back and watched the story unfold so smoothly too. It is a shame that one has so much to say about others behind their backs or on its little blog, but yet never can say a thing to the person directly...hmmm what do they call that again, OH that's right a coward. Seriously one should think more thoroughly before one acts on their stupidity. By the way, if you just so happen to be reading this, whenever you scrape up the nerve to confront me face to face just let me know, I'm ready anytime. Like I stated before one should really gather all the facts before blaming one for what one never did... assumptions remember only make an "ass" out of you and me, but in this case just you.
April Showers Bring May Flowers, or Do They????
So the saying states that April showers bring May flowers, right? Well, in my life, to date April showers have brought wayyyy more than flowers.

Where to begin, let's start with the boys, everyone enjoys words about those two love bugs...
McKinlee is doing GREAT in the academic side of school, we are still have some behavior issues, well I can't actually say behavior, he likes to talk -- A LOT! I wonder where he got that from, anyone want to take a guess?!?! He is still having accidents, with wetting his pants but hopefully it is just an ACES (after school care) issue. That is the only place he has been doing it, except the occasional night bed wet, but those truly are accidents. Well there is like what, 10 days left of school so I'll keep you updated.

He has been spending A LOT of time with his future wife Emma, according to McKinlee she IS his future wife. He can't wait to he gets older so he can find Emma and marry her. Too sweet!

Unto Maddock, the little munchkin is now 11 months, eating like a pig and I have tried to get him to start drinking Milk.. WHOLE MILK, can you believe that he HATES it... YES I said that right he hates it. This truly shocks me, why you ask -- well his father can drink a gallon a day if you would let him and McKinlee probably could too. So instead of pulling him straight off formula and the bottle it is going to be a slow process. They weren't kidden when they say no two kids are a like. Night and Day I tell ya, besides their looks -- nothing a like. So needless to say I started off with the 3/4 formula, 1/2 milk -- then 1/2 formula and 1/2 milk... tonight 3/4 milk and 1/4 formula PRAY FOR ME... PLEASE!!!
Attached here to is the last I have to share of Maddock, he has recently taken up ice pops. They make them now in "mini" size... WELL mini or not they are still messy BUT the kid loves them, check out the video below.

Moving On...

So Lee has been looking for a new job, one that pays more, less travel, etc. Well, low and behold he stumbles upon one at "Handyman Matters" so GREAT that he puts in his 2 weeks notice at DR Horton. He is very excited about starting the new job and so am I, mo'money honey!!! So his last day at DR comes and they hand him this check for his last five days of pay and whatever vacation/sick time he had accrued. YEAH for us, a check that I was not excepting... RIGHT?!?! However, on May 15th I was expecting Lee's "last paycheck" to be direct deposited... so May 15th comes along I check the checking account -- NO money. So Lee calls DR, apparently they don't hold two weeks back... they owe us no monies. Now listen and try to figure this one out for, because apparently I am just either way too blond or just really stupid. He gets paid on the 15th and last day of each month. So, he signs his time sheet on the 16th of the month for the 1st to the 15th right and then signs his next time sheet on the 1st of the next month for the 16th to the last day of the previous month... ARE U FOLLOWING ME STILL??? So if he signed his time sheet on the 1st of May for April 16th to April 30th why did he not receive a check on the 15th you ask??? Well according to DR Horton he was paid from pay period April 16 to April 30 on April 30. Ummm okay he doesn't sign his time card until May 1st but okay if you say so?

Nevertheless, that situation has been an ongoing battle now for about 2 weeks, of course getting no where with it either. Anyhoot -- Lee goes to his new job for orientation and to fill out all his paperwork, only to find out now that he has no more job with DR Horton that Handyman Matters have changed their contracts and regulations. They want Lee to sign a NO COMPETE contract (not happening, been down that road, not doing that again) and they want him to put their decals of their company name all over our truck and take $200 from his first paycheck to pay for them. Ummm HELLO -- this is your company and I have to pay for your name on my truck, I don't think so you should be paying me to put your name on my truck. May be I am wrong here but in any case, Lee got screwed... We got screwed actually! Now Lee has been looking for a new job for three weeks and NO luck... so if anyone has any connections send him our way please.
Well there ya have it... like I said the April showers did a ton more then bring flowers into my life this glorious month of May BUT I am thankful that we are all happy and healthy :) This is always a positive.