Sunday, Did NOT Farewell

So I stepped up onto that scale and wouldn’t you know it a +.5 appeared. WHAT?!@# how the heck? Now I’m confused, I’m eating right I exercise like a mad women – My workout schedule

SUNDAY: Extreme workout with trainer
MONDAY: ArcTrainer – 60 minutes (875-900 calories burned)
TUESDAY: ArcTrainer – 60 minutes (875-900 calories burned) and ½ hour to 45 minutes of
weight lighting (Moderate)
WEDNESDAY: ArcTrainer – 60 minutes (875-900 calories burned) and ½ hour to 45 minutes of
weight lighting (Moderate)
THURSDAY: ArcTrainer – 60 minutes (875-900 calories burned) and ½ hour to 45 minutes of
weight lighting (Moderate)
FRIDAY: My day off!
SATURDAY: ArcTrainer – 60 minutes (875-900 calories burned) and ½ hour to 45 minutes of
weight lighting (Moderate)

My daily plate consists of mostly veggies, protein and some carbs, very little starch (trying to avoid those)

So what am I doing wrong?

I am dealing with some other issues right now and well maybe that is my problem, I doubt it but one never knows right?!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Just few show off pictures of my cake and my boys!

Oh yeah… Sunday’s weigh in -2.7lbs I am on a down hill roll – YEAH!

Pain Does Pay Off!

I weighed in a day early this week, why you ask? Well the truth to the matter, I wanted to go out to a nice dinner with my husband. So Saturday morning I woke up and weighed in and I did it all those nights at the gym, killing myself on the Arc Trainer and Elliptical for 60 minutes a night and weight lifting as well, it all paid off baby! I got out that Wii and I saw the negative sign this week. I had a -.7lbs BUT that was a -.7lbs including the 3.1lbs I gained the week before. So my count is now -7.8lbs in 3 weeks. GO ME!!!
This week will be different for me and my family. My sister Sandi has helped couch me to a more healthier life style of eating anyhow... and well I'm starting this new "diet" on Monday. Wish me luck that extra protein and "good" fats keep that negative sign in front of my weight check.


Yes I know I’m late… but hey its only Tuesday. So I get up Sunday, feeling light as can be, well not so much, but I definitely felt LIGHT, if you catch my drift. So off I go to the family room, turn on the tuber and prompt for play output. Grab the Wii FIT and off I go. I pick my Mii, do my body challenge and hold my breath. WHAT the F ! # $!!! I see a BIG +3.1 lbs How the heck can that be possible? I felt like I starved all week, well not really but you know what I mean… one of those weeks where I wanted everything and could NOT have it, or wouldn’t have it. I’m doing all of this for a reason right, to get thin and healthy. Well what else can I say… I was shattered! Devastated! I felt like all my hard work was a complete and utter joke! Dieting, working out, dieting, working out dieting, working out, etc. etc. etc. You know getting to the gym for almost 2 hours a night and then an 1 hour on Sunday with a personal trainer that kicks my ASS every time. And for what? For a +3.1lbs

Dieting is NO fun and even worse when you gain and not a .2 or .4 lbs but a HUGE 3.1 lbs that’s well Shattering!

Please hope for me that this week is a better week on the scale, because we all know that if the plus sign appears again on Sunday, the “diet” thing will be over for sure!


On Sunday, I did my morning duty, I hit the scale (Wii Fit). Low and behold, -7.1 lbs YES I did it, I lost 7.1 lbs I feel fabulous and of course shortly thereafter I hit the gym to be tortured by the trainer. I will say after losing 7.1 lbs I felt good about working out with him and I am definitely not as sore today as I was last Monday (I can move today) but still I felt like a million dollars.

So here we go week 2 and my goal is 18 more lbs. Little steps people little steps. I staying focused I promise!

33 Random Questions...

1. How old will you be in five years? 41, very old, holy crap is that right?
2. Who did you spend at least two hours with today? My family of course.
3. How tall are you? 5’2” and shrinking
4. What do you look forward to most in the next six weeks? Six weeks closer to July which will be a huge life changing month for my family.
5. What’s the last movie you saw? Blind side, thanks Kelly!
6. Who was the last person you called? My hubby
7. Who was the last person to call you? Someone from the operations department.
8. What was the last text message you received? I don’t have texting on my cell account, but I did get one from my friend Shelly’s little girl, in error!
9. Who was the last person to leave you a voicemail? GM at one of my centers
10. Do you prefer to call or text? Call, texting is so impersonal
11. What were you doing at 12am last night? Sleeping and dreaming.
12. Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Married, almost 48 years
13. When is the last time you saw your mom? Over 3 weeks ago
14. What color are your eyes? Blue
15. What time did you wake up today? 5:50 am
16. What are your wearing right now? Red dress street, gray dress pants, trouser socks, undies, bra and black dress shoes
17. What is your favorite Christmas song? I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Clause
18. Where is your favorite place to be? With my children and hubby
19. Where is your least favorite place to be? On the scale!
20. Where would you go if you could go anywhere? That’s a toss up, either Australia or Alaska, or maybe Ireland. Oh heck all over the country – when I hit the lottery.
21. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 years? With the way my luck and life has been going , probably right where I am now. At work, busting my butt!
22. Do you tan or burn? I’m not even sure if I know what tan is
23. What did you fear was going to get you at night as a child? I don’t think I was afraid at night as a kid, too long ago to remember.
24. What was the last thing that really made you laugh? My husband threw his back out a couple of weeks ago, and to watch him threaten the kids and try to get up after them… so hysterical.
25. How many TVs do you have in your house? Three, but only one for TV, one for video games and the other is not in use at all.
26. How big is your bed? It’s a queen, too small.
27. Do you have a laptop or desktop computer? I have a desktop and an older desktop for McKinlee.
28. What color are your sheets? Currently pale green
29. How many pillos do sleep with? Two, if I could have more I would.
30. What is your favorite season? Spring
31. What do you like about Autumn? The changing of the leaves, the smells
32. What do you like about Winter? Nothing I hate the winter, the snow, the cold, ew!

Another New Plan...

Well I made it through another birthday, and yes I am now 36 years old and feeling it. Well not exactly because of the birthday and I feeling the pain today, but more on that in a minute.

This past week has been well awful, from really bad news to even worse. Most of which I will not discuss here because well its too personal. Anyhow, my weight loss lets head there first.

I have gained, I’m up to 225 lbs. However, I have started back up as of yesterday – dieting that is. I’ve decided to try out Jillian Michaels’ 14-day Boost Your Weight Loss. So for the first 7 days I’m doing a Detox and Clense – I do not feel any different. Thankfully! Next 7 days will be a one a day Metabolism Booster and with every meal a Fat Burner. Lets see how the results fair after the two weeks. Oh yeah did I mention that my friend Kelly and I did a one hour personal training class. Let’s just say that every muscle in my body hurts even those muscles that I didn’t think could hurt. Its not a bad hurt, it’s one of those I never used that muscle before hurt. Yeah so I can barely move today and Kelly wants us to do this for at least 4 more sessions. Heaven help me. So with any luck between the Jillian Michaels’ program and the working out with the trainer 4 times… this may just be the boost I need. Keep your fingers crossed.

The boys are doing okay, well McKinlee is doing GREAT, and Maddock has a bit of the stomach bug, poor guy was up throwing up all night. Unfortunately, but thankfully, with Lee at home being Mr. Mom I was able to get rest for today, while he tended to the puke monster. I definitely needed the rest too, because after that horrifying 1 hour workout with trainer yesterday, I can’t seem to move very well today.

I believe we are all caught up for now… until we meet again

Weigh In

Two days late, sorry! But I weighed in on my Wii, Sunday morning -- drum roll PLEASE!

219.5 - down 1.5lbs

Go Me.... Go Me I'm so excited, 19.5 lbs to goal :)

Weighing In and Hot Water

YES, my hot water died AGAIN! Ugh, good news though we got a replacement for free YEAH. That little warranty paperwork that came with the original one we bought. Apparently I filled that out and sent it in. And boy did that pay off! So yes, after three days, we have HOT water :)

Weighing in… I did this task – I lost 6lbs GO ME – 222lbs 22 more to go, trust me this is not easy, I’m so sore. And I will NOT lie, I’m hungry but its all good.

School Rules and One Ways?

Tuesday night I get home from work to receive a letter from my son’s second grade teacher explaining that the childrens' behavior has basically been out of control. They are talking to much, not getting their work done, disrupting others, etc. The best part of the letter was a remark she made about when the children arrive in the morning they are suppose to get started right away on their work. Well, here’s my thought the bell rings at 7:20, school technically does NOT start until 7:40. So I was a little upset because I know my son McKinlee is definitely part of those talking and disrupting others. So we had a talk all is good right? Wrong!

So Wednesday morning McKinlee and I are waiting in the designated drop off line at school and well here is the letter that I sent to the Board of Education yesterday late morning. This will explain A LOT.

Dear Sir or Madam:

I have a child in the second grade that attends Shadybrook Elementary School located in a residential area of High Point. The parking lot is set up with one entrance and one exit. However, in the beginning of the school there were drivers that would constantly enter the exit. There were multiple letters sent home to the parents regarding the traffic pattern and since then there has not been an issue, until today. When the bell rang at 7:20, my child exited my vehicle at the designated drop off location. I proceeded to leave the parking lot in the correct traffic pattern directed by the school official (Mr. Foster), upon reaching the exit I see a mini van trying to enter where there are two exit lanes both with cars trying to leave, the driver continued to try to come in the exit. When I got to the end of exit where it meets the street I rolled my window down pointing the sign out to the women in the mini van that this was an exit only... big sign says "DO NOT ENTER." The lady in the mini van rolls her window and the following occurred:

Lady in Van: "What?"
Myself: "This is exit only, see the sign "DO NOT ENTER!" (pointing to the sign)
Lady in Van: "Not for me" (with a giggle)
Myself: "Oh really not for you?" (I pulled away)

The lady in the van, Ms. Barefoot, a second grade teacher at Shadybrook Elementary and my son's second grade teacher.

Why is this acceptable? and better yet Why was she not at school before the bell rang?

I look forward to your response and insight on this matter.

I will also be calling Mr. Foster to file a complaint with the school as well. I would hope that this situation gets handle promptly seeing that there could have been a very serious accident this morning because a teacher does not have to follow the rules, but parents/children do.

Thank you!

So as you can read, I was NOT a happy person. I was very angry needless to say but as I go back to my statement above. Drop off is 7:20, my son is already on his was to class where according to the letter his teacher sent the children are to start their work IMMEDIATELY, right? Well, I’m sorry if the bell as rang and she is still not at school yet, why my son along with the rest of his class is being reprimanded for not working when she is not even there. I’m thinking her being tardy to work is an issue all on its own. I’m just saying!?!?

A New Year, A New ME!

I know I know we all have goals, New Year resolutions. Well I have one… one only… LOSE WEIGHT! I started a diet, I’m sorry not a diet a healthier life style. I will start going back to the gym tonight as well. Once the weather warms up I will be venturing out in the morning again. BUT I weighed myself at work on our mailing scale, YES that’s right the mailing scaling… I am 228 lbs I will not be and am not afraid to say that aloud because I do NOT intend to stay there much longer.

For all my faithful readers… hmmm maybe I have three. My first goal is to get to 200 lbs again. So first weight loss goal 28lbs. Doesn’t sound so bad does it? Oh heck, who am I kidden that’s a LOT of weight. If I have any faithful insightful readers please send me any suggestions you have, I need them all. Wish me luck and I will post my updates… gains or losses. I PROMISE!


Apparently this is what you learn at a prime University...

WTG ... Taylor!! Love it!

umm, Steve were you aware of where your wallet was disappearing to? Plastic cups, ping pong balls and a camera.

Better Late Then NEVER!

Since I am so far behind I am going to go backwards just a few steps. We spent Thanksgiving 2009 in New Jersey. While there we stayed at Angie and Dennis’ mostly. A couple days with my Steve and Sandi as well. We tried to see everyone but that was not as successful as I had hoped it would have been. We did get to take the kids in NYC. So much fun! When walked out of Madison Square Garden into the streets of NYC, McKinlee’s face was, well, priceless just priceless.


A little video to go along side of the song...

Learning to Ride

McKinlee received a two wheeler for Christmas NO training wheels... AND the learning experience began! He started off wobbly but he finally got.

A Little of This and a Little of That

Happy New Year Everyone! I first want to apologize for not being around BUT life has thrown myself and my family some serious curve balls this year, my blog unfortunately has been neglected because of it.

So much is going on so I will probably break this VERY big blog into a bunch of little blogs.

Sound good, GREAT…

Let’s start with me and the hubby. Well as most of you are aware the hubby lost his job about two weeks before Christmas – they fired him! And of course because he was “fired” unemployment has not been fruitful as of yet. Yes you heard me correctly NO unemployment. So we are for right now surviving off my income. He looks everyday for a job and applies everywhere, but NO call backs, hopefully soon. I will be honest though I like having him home with the kids and I also get a warm meal when I get home its GREAT. And that does mean in a weird way he is Mr. Mom and I will say he is doing an awesome job at it too.

As for me, well November 29th marked my 5th year at Tanger and well I got a promotion, woohoo! Go ME! I was very shocked, but was so excited. I definitely feel like I deserved it, I know that sounds a little ego driven but seriously I think I work my tail off and it paid off. Also, now that we are in 2010 and I have hit my 5 year marker. I get 3 weeks vacation, I LOVE it! I am so excited!

So with the promotion I am keeping my family a float.

Moving on…

The boys had wonderful Christmas’ If you ask McKinlee he didn’t have the best Christmas because he didn’t get everything he had asked for. See McKinlee asked Santa for a Nintendo DSi and well he currently has a Nintendo DS the DSi unit you can take pictures and connect to the internet. Hence he is 7 he does not need to connect to the internet nor does he another Nintendo DS So Santa did not bring one. I tried to explain to him in advance that he wasn’t going to get one and that Santa has a lot of presents to buy and you can’t always get everything you ask for but he didn’t understand or doesn’t want to understand that. Not sure which. As you can see from the picture he got a lot. His pile is on the left.

Maddock loved everything especially his bike, definitely his favorite item. He rides it all the time even around the house… the poor dogs.